I don't know exactly what I believe anymore and I don't really care.
In 2004, when I went to Summit Ministries in CO, I was so taken with the ideals of "conservativeism" (is that even a word). I really wanted to mold everything I was around that ideal. I thought that would make me a better person, at least better than any Democrat was. I thought that If I was louder and more articulate than my opponent I would always win in debate. There was a lot of finger pointing and name calling going on. I remember being so "on fire" about proving that Evolution was FALSE and that abortion was bloody murder. Did you know that every two seconds a baby dies to abortion. Well, that's what I was told at Summit. The main focus that I took with me was "Always know what you believe". Seems easy enough right?
It's not.
Don't get me wrong, I think Summit has some positive things, like, homemade peanut butter and the hike up Red Mountain. I have made some great friends that I still talk with today.
As the years have passed, 6 almost 7, I am finding my ideals are shifting (GASP, this is almost a sin.) I am realizing that being one-sided is wrong. I was young when I went to Summit, 18, and I was really excited to "soak" up everything they spoke about, even if it was blatantly anti-democrat or even insulting. I remember the jokes said about Al Gore and gays. As I look back I remember hearing a few times "get them while their young". This was their tactic. I wanted to fit in somewhere, anywhere. As most teenagers do. I would believe anything (within some reason).
I think of how this "camp" looks from the outside now. As I look back. It is a training ground for those who want to continue in the foot steps of Reagan or Bush. To continue in the republican legacy.
Do I want to follow a world figurehead?!
I don't know exactly what I believe anymore and I don't really care.
I am not worried that I should be "right" (no pun intended) all of the time. I am not anti-evolution, anti-choose, anti-gay rights, and anti-health care.
I do know, that I want equal rights for all, that gay or straight should marry whomever they wish. That ammo should cost $2000 a bullet and that we should have free health care and try to live in peace with other nations. There are a few more things that I do, and don't, agree with. But I will save your time and mine.
I am so over being "set" in my ways. I want to be a flex-acrat or a flex-ican (I like the way that sounds). I want to listen and learn from every religion. I don't want to be easily labeled.
But, If I am labeled I want to be called: "open-minded", "understanding" and "kind".
I will continue to grow and expand my mind. I may again subscribe to an ideology or a religion. But for the time being, I hope to love all, respect all and not hate.
Call me whatever you may.
Peace to you.