This broadcast on Good Morning America has sparked much debate. Those on the Right can't see past the potential political intentions to secure votes in November and the Left is proud, however, the President made sure to stress that this was his personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states deciding on this issue. Nevertheless, the President has proven time and time again in his administration that he supports same sex couples, from repelling Don't Ask Don't Tell, to signing the Hate Crimes act into law, to clearing the way for hospital visitation rights for same sex couples.
We have come a long way and still have barriers to break and stigmas to demolish. Much like the years leading up to The Civil Rights Movement in the 50's and 60's where African Americans were seen as lesser humans for being, well, black. We are witnessing same sex couples denied rights and being discriminated against for existing as well. Voting to decide if "rights" should be granted to another human is wrong. That is why they are called rights! Passing laws to protect religious groups who speak out against same sex couples is backwards and wrong! In April 2012, a Kansas bill called "Religious Freedom Act" passed 91-33. The bill states that Kansans cannot use religion to justify discrimination based on gender, race or ethnicity. However, sexual orientation or gender identification are not protected under this bill. An employer can not fire an employee because of their race, but, under the bill they will have the right to terminate employees if they discover their employee is in a same sex relationship. This is discrimination, is wrong and needs to change.
Needless to say, today, I am proud to be an American. I am optimistic that in my lifetime same sex couples will be allowed to wed or divorce like their straight neighbor. They can run to Vegas and elope, have a grand wedding in Napa Valley or throw a modern party in a Manhattan Penthouse on 5th Avenue.
There are many bridges to be built and mountains to climb before we reach equality. I will stand and support my LGBQT community until that day comes!! Watch this:
Kansas Bill
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