Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Views

It has been over a month now since I have began my journey down the dark road of non-religion. I am only joking about the dark road. It is more like the yellow brick road.
I have been communicating more with friends whom I haven't spoken with in a while and sharing with new friends and I have been extremely blessed with the reactions and support. I know I have wonderful friends when they are loving me and encouraging me through this, even if they don't know exactly why I am here at this point in my life. I think that is a true testament to someones character. I am optimistically excited to find out what will come next and how I will be received by more friends and family as the time progresses.
I also want to thank the following people for all of the amazing and kind words since my last blog (If I have forgotten you, don't take it personal. Thanks): Brian, Bri, Morgan, Danna, Amee, Emily, Jeremy, Katie and Nicole.